A member shared on the guardyoureyes.com SSA forum: I am ב”ה happily married to a wonderful woman whom I love with my heart and soul. We have marital relations regularly, as mandated by the תורה הקדושה. My focus during those times are 85% on her and 15% on me. I am frum, and I know…(Continue Reading)
Author: admin
I am married/dating and my wife/date knows nothing about my SSA. Do I need to say anything?
Is it possible to develop an attraction to a woman if I’ve never had one?
Is SSA something you can talk to others about? Can they understand?
How can I get help without disclosing myself?
Is it possible to get rid of my SSA?
Do I have to accept a Gay lifestyle? Is this who I am?
How Common is SSA? Am I alone?
Why Do I have Same Sex Attraction?
Dr. Sheldon’s Psychotherapeutic Intervention Model for SSA
Dr. Sheldon’s basic opinions regarding SSA and psychotherapeutic interventions Treatment of SSA – Same Sex Attraction – Homosexuality, Lesbianism, and Bisexuality The issues and understanding of SSA and the psychological and behavioral treatments of SSA are many and complex. The laws of the Department of Health as well as the guidelines of professional associations, such…(Continue Reading)