The Straight Path Home

My personal struggles with homosexuality. Taken from over here. Editor’s note: The thoughts expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the experience of others who practice Judaism in light of their homosexual inclinations. Judaism stresses the importance of teshuva, return, to work on faulty character traits and habits that have obscured our true selves.…(Continue Reading)

Declaration On The Torah Approach To Homosexuality

The Torah Declaration is a public statement signed by 192 Rabbis, Community Leaders, and Mental Health Professionals by Societal Developments On Homosexuality There has been a monumental shift in the secular world’s attitude towards homosexuality over the past few decades. In particular over the past fifteen years there has been a major public campaign to…(Continue Reading)

Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe about SSA

by  See the original letter here. By the Grace of G-d 25th of Shevat, 5746 Brooklyn, N.Y. Greeting and Blessing: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 26th, in which you write about a serious problem. As requested, I will remember you in prayer for the fulfillment of your heart’s desires for good. While all…(Continue Reading)

Shedding Light on the Gay Issue

by Dr. Benzion Sorotzkin It has become increasingly common in the Orthodox community for young men to turn to a therapist because of concerns regarding their “sexual orientation.” Sometimes, even if they give other reasons for their interest in therapy, the concern over same-sex attraction (SSA) later emerges as an underlying concern that permeates their subconscious…(Continue Reading)

Awareness of Same Sex Attraction

Question: I’m male and sexually attracted to certain types of men. I’ve been brought up with weird parents. I also had a difficult upbringing and was bullied a lot. About half a year ago, someone recommended a book, “Bad Childhood, Good Life”, which changed my life! Now I find that I get a crush on…(Continue Reading)