Not Attracted to My Wife

by Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha, LCSW-R, Yaakov from GYE  Question: Hi, I’m 26 years old. I am married for a bit over 5 years and from the beginning, have not had much of an attraction for my wife. However, after having 2 kids, my wife gained a lot of weight and now I have absolutely no attraction to…(Continue Reading)

My Unwanted SSA Journey

By Shivisi I have been struggling with unwanted same-ses attraction (SSA) since before my bar mitzvah and have experienced the struggle in different ways over the years of my journey. I find my anger seems to come out when seeing other younger guys (I’m kind of stuck as an older bachur in yeshivah because of…(Continue Reading)

Orthodox Judaism vs. Secular Sexual Values

by Feuerman, Rabbi Simcha, LCSW-R Over the past few months, I have been quoted (and misquoted!) several times in various publications regarding the Orthodox Jewish position on homosexuality and mental health treatment. There are two major areas of concern regarding this hotly debated topic. The first area is that many in the secular world simply find…(Continue Reading)

From Straight to Gay and Back

A Letter for any man who experiences SSA (Same Sex Attraction). Published in Arutz 7  This letter is written to any bochur or yungerman (unmarried or married young man) who experiences Same Sex Attraction (SSA), as well as to the parents, yeshiva deans, rabbis or friends of such persons. I hope and pray to the…(Continue Reading)

A Religious Gay London Jew Comes Out

Editor’s note: The thoughts expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the experience of others who practice Judaism in light of their homosexual inclinations. Judaism stresses the importance of teshuva, return, to work on faulty character traits and habits that have obscured our true selves. But what if you have no healthy sense of…(Continue Reading)

How I Almost Became a Lesbian

See the original article on Arutz Sheva, by Kaelly Langston / Arutz 7 It started simply enough. She was my friend. Me, I was shy and very conservative. I was too shy for boys and didn’t have any real close girlfriends. I wanted to have a special friend, one in whom I could confide my deepest darkest secrets.…(Continue Reading)